Taiwanese Culture Night 2025

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
16 Donors
days left
Project ends on February 28, at 12:00 AM PST
Project Owners

Taiwanese Culture Night 2025

Taiwanese Culture Night (TCN) is an annual, student-run cultural stage production hosted by a group of passionate UCLA students who aim to share the rich cultural and political history of Taiwan. To prepare for our 23rd annual show, over 50 students from our cast, media, finance, backstage, and band committees have worked tirelessly to ensure the integrity, beauty, and authenticity of our production. Scheduled for Spring 2025 at Royce Hall, this free event aims to entertain, educate, and foster awareness of Taiwanese culture and its relevance to our community. With an audience of over 1,000, TCN seeks to create nostalgic and impactful experiences while addressing underrepresented cultural narratives on campus.

台灣文化之夜(TCN)是一場由充滿熱忱的 UCLA 學生為宣揚台灣文化所舉辦的年度舞台劇,旨在分享台灣豐富的文化與政治歷史。這個晚會從製作、撰寫劇本、宣傳、後台製作到燈光音響、舞台設計等完全由 UCLA 學生一手包辦。50 餘名學生在整個學年中(2024-2025)平衡課業與工作,熱情付出時間與努力,不僅是為宣揚台灣文化,也是為 1,000 席的觀眾留下充滿娛樂、懷舊與感動的深刻回憶。今年的表演將在 UCLA 的 Royce Hall 於 Spring 2025 盛大演出,並免費開放給所有嘉賓。

This year’s story follows a boy navigating Taiwan’s baseball match-fixing scandals of the late 1900s and early 2000s, a turbulent era in the nation’s sports history. Despite certain challenges, he rekindles his love for the sport and builds true friendships, finding strength, resilience, and integrity. Our show not only tells a powerful tale of perseverance and friendship but also highlights baseball’s significance as a symbol of Taiwan’s resilience during political and economic challenges. By reflecting on how the sport overcame adversity to impact everyday lives, we celebrate Taiwan’s capacity to confront challenges and emerge stronger.

TCN 2025 的靈感來自台灣棒球,講述一名男孩在台灣體壇假球風暴中成長的歷程。在重重挑戰下,他重新燃起對棒球的熱愛,並建立真正的友誼,從中找到力量、韌性與誠信。今年的故事不僅呈現了一個關於堅毅與友誼的感人故事,更以主人公不向假球妥協的堅韌,彰顯台灣在面對政治與經濟挑戰時百折不撓的深厚文化意義。

For over 20 years, TCN has provided free admission to anyone interested, reaching over 1,000 students and faculty each year, many of whom have little exposure to Taiwanese culture. By offering free entry, TCN successfully shares and celebrates Taiwanese culture with a diverse audience, ensuring financial concerns don’t hinder participation. To make this possible, we must raise over $40,000 to cover costs for production, costumes, props, filming, the use of Royce Hall, and more. As a free, fully student-run event, we humbly seek your support to continue promoting Taiwanese culture and ensuring the success of TCN. Your contribution will play a crucial role in bringing this impactful production to life.

TCN 成立的 23 年以來,每年都堅持提供免費的門票,吸引超過 1,000 名學生和教職員入場。這也使 TCN 成功地邀請許多對台灣文化了解不深的觀眾們與我們共同慶祝台灣文化。為了實現這一目標,我們必須募集超過 $40,000 美金來承擔演出、製作、拍攝與幕後的開銷,包括服裝、道具、和 Royce Hall 場地的費用。所有參與演出與製作的學生都是志願付出時間與心血。作為一個免費且完全由學生主辦的活動,我們誠懇地尋求您的支持!您的貢獻不僅將確保 TCN 的成功,更是繼續推廣台灣文化的關鍵!

We, the TCN 2025 Team, sincerely thank you for your support! We hope you can join us at our show in Spring 2025!

在此,我們 TCN 2025 的團隊由衷感謝您的大力支持。我們能夠透過舞台展現我們的熱忱與台灣獨特的文化背景,是因為有您!期待您能出席今年的演出,與我們共襄盛舉!


Euan: “Promotes Taiwan’s unique culture to those unfamiliar.”

Elizabeth: “Allows me to build new friendships and strengthen my cultural ties.”

Christian: “Helps me find an identity and learn about my own culture.”

If you'd like to learn more about the production, we are on:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tcn_at_ucla/ (tcn_at_ucla)

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TCNatUCLA/ (Taiwanese Culture Night at UCLA)


Should this fund reach the campus minimum required for the establishment of an endowment or quasi-endowment, The UCLA Foundation reserves the right to convert this fund to an endowment or quasi-endowment. Please click here to learn more about how the UCLA Foundation invests and manages its endowments. 

Our way
of Thanking You


Digital Appreciation

TCN members will craft a digital thank you card to show our greatest gratitude for your donation! (fully tax-deductible)

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2025


Handwritten Thank You Card

To show our immense appreciation, you will receive a handwritten thank you card! (tax-deductible donation of $24)

3 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2025


Thank You Package

Thank you! To show our deepest gratitude for your generous donation, you will receive a handwritten thank you card and a TCN keychain! (tax-deductible donation of $47)

3 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2025


Ready to Shout YOU Out

We appreciate your generous support! You will be sent EVERYTHING (handwritten thank you card and keychain) PLUS a thank you video. You will also be recognized in the TCN show day pamphlet! (tax-deductible donation of $97)

2 of Unlimited Claimed
Estimated Delivery: February 2025



We are overwhelmed with gratitude. Thank you! You will receive 1 free ticket for VIP seating to the show, a thank you video, recognized in the TCN show day pamphlet, a keychain, and a tote bag. (tax-deductible donation of $232)

0 of 20 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2025


TCN Forever

You are amazing! You will receive 2 free tickets for VIP seating to the show and a post-show speech recognition, along with ALL perks mentioned above (thank you card and video, keychain, tote bag, and recognized in the pamphlet)! (tax-deductible donation of $481)

1 of 20 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2025


TCN Super Hero

We are absolutely overwhelmed by your generous support! You will receive 3 free tickets for VIP seating to the show, along with ALL perks mentioned above (thank you card and video, keychain, tote bag, and recognized in the pamphlet as well as post-show speech)! (tax-deductible donation of $981)

1 of 20 Claimed
Estimated Delivery: April 2025
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